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The SilvAssist (SA) Suite is a forest inventory solution that empowers foresters to streamline the entire process from data to decision.  Using the SA Suite, foresters and land managers can create inventories, collect data, send it to the cloud upon syncing their mobile device and generate reports for projects.  The SA Suite, which includes SilvAssist Mobile and Inventory Manager equips mobile devices (phones/tablets) and/or desktop computers with the most functional and efficient forestry solution. It is task-centric, focused, and easy-to-use with little or no training needed.


The SilvAssist Suite leverages only two job-focused, easy to use apps, which decreases the amount of time and steps needed to complete a project.  This workflow takes a forester from inventory setup to decision supporting reports.  Starting in the cloud-based Inventory Manager, inventory projects are set up.  Cruisers access that project in the SilvAssist Mobile App on their iOS and/or Android mobile device and can collect data offline in the field.  Error checks occur on every plot to ensure the highest quality data is captured.  Once finished collecting data, the cruiser syncs the device and all data collected is pushed back to the cloud where calculations, additional error checks, and reports are
compiled automatically.  

Working in remote areas, foresters need a seamless solution and workflow that keeps them in the field longer and minimizes time driving to an office to complete tasks.  F4 partnered with Esri to develop a solution linking ArcGIS Field Maps (part of the Esri Field Apps Collection) with SilvAssist Mobile.  This is the first ever integration of a forest inventory solution with Field Maps.  Foresters can now create stands using Field Maps and import those stands into SilvAssist Mobile. There, the user can allocate plots and collect forest inventory data. This is all achieved off-line, thus solving a long-standing disconnection between forest inventory setup and project completion. 

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SilvAssist Inventory Manager

• Dashboard for high level project overview and management

• Inventory specific configurable templates

• Management of organization users

• Multiple levels of reports including dynamic statistical target reporting

• Various options for stand/stocking reports

• Audit/cruise reports

• Cruiser production metrics

• Ability to export reports to a variety of formats

• Edit Map

• Draw/edit stands

• Plot allocation

• Import/Export of data

• Map print widget

• Built-in Growth and Yield (FVS-Forest Vegetation Simulator)


SilvAssist Mobile App

• Available on iOS and Android

• Functions on both phones and tablets

• Supports offline data collection

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