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We help keep forestry viable • We innovate • We help foresters work more efficiently • We are dedicated to long-term relationships • We always follow through • We are committed to customer service


Year of Establishment


Professional Employees


Average Years of Staff Experience

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Professional foresters, ecologists, wildlife biologists, and analysts with decades of experience in all aspects of natural resource management.

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We understand our client’s specific land management goals and objectives and provide superior customer service for exceptional outcomes

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Our inventory tracking system includes an audit function,  near real-time (next day) statistics, and ready-access to collected
data and summaries.



Alex joined F4 in May 2022. He holds a Bachelor of Science in Exercise Physiology and a Master of Science in Ecological Restoration. Alex focuses on project scoping, field project management, forest inventory project development, prescribed burning, and GIS/GPS applications. Prior to joining F4, he worked for a forestry consulting firm and acquired experience in site preparation, invasive species monitoring and treatment, reforestation, prescribed burning, and timber sale preparation and administration.


Lexi joined F4 in September 2024. She holds an Associate of Science in Applied Sciences and Mathematics, and Bachelor of Science and Master of Science in Forestry.  Lexi supports forest inventory projects, GIS analyses using ArcGIS Desktop, ArcGIS Pro, ArcGIS Online, Esri mobile applications), and SilvAssist Suite development and customer support. Prior to joining F4, she gained three years of experience at a university supporting forestry-based research projects involving geospatial techniques, field data collection and management, and technical writing. She has completed multiple National Wildfire Coordinating Group training courses/modules.


Rick joined F4 in 1999. He holds a Bachelor of Science in Forestry and a Master’s in Business Administration. Rick oversees the financial operations of the company, manages all field projects, leads F4’s experienced team of field foresters, and is responsible for scoping, vetting, and implementing field projects (many involving subcontractors). Prior to joining F4, Rick was a procurement forester/manager for five years. He is a Certified Forester (Society of American Foresters), a full member of the Association of Consulting Foresters, a registered/licensed forester in three states, and a Florida Certified Prescribed Burner.


Scott joined F4 in August 2024. He holds a Bachelor of Science in Biology. Scott oversees field projects, including invasive species monitoring and treatment, prescribed burning, other silvicultural practices, and GIS/GPS applications. Prior to joining F4, Scott acquired 10 years of experience in arboriculture, natural resources management, utility vegetation management, and environmental permitting. He is an ISA Certified Arborist, Florida Fish & Wildlife Conservation Commission Certified Gopher Tortoise Agent, and Florida Department of Environmental Protection Stormwater and Sedimentation Control Inspector.


Leah joined F4 in January 2022. She holds a Bachelor of Science in Natural Resource Management-Forestry. Leah oversees field projects, including prescribed burning, other silvicultural practices, and GIS/GPS applications. Prior to joining F4, she was the forester at a National Wildlife Refuge in Florida where she gained experience in forest habitat management planning and implementation, prescribed burning, and timber harvest management.


Brad joined F4 in January 2022. He holds an Associate of Science in Forest Technology and a Bachelor of Science in Forest Management. Brad oversees field projects including site preparation, invasive species monitoring and treatment, reforestation, prescribed burning, and timber sale preparation and administration. Prior to joining F4, he worked for the Florida Forest Service for 32 years serving in various capacities and degrees of responsibility. Brad is a Florida Certified Prescribed Burner (since 1992), a Florida Certified Wildland Firefighter (since 1994), and a certified monitor per the Florida Division of Historical Resources and Archeological Resource Management (since 2002).   


Fred joined F4 in August 2015. He holds a Bachelor of Science in Forestry. Fred evaluates forest inventory methods to assess the appropriateness of sampling methods, data collection, data quality control measures, data analyses, and predictive modeling (habitat and forest conditions) per client-based specifications and objectives. Prior to joining F4, he worked for two large forest products companies for over 35 years in various capacities and degrees of responsibility that collectively encompassed all aspects of sustainable forestry and land management inherent to industrially owed forestland in the southern United States. Fred is a Certified Forester (Society of American Foresters).



Craig joined F4 in August 2015. He holds a Bachelor of Science in Natural Resources Management, a Master of Forestry in Forest Productivity, and a Doctor of Philosophy in Forest Resources. Craig assists staff who manage large-scale and long-term projects that involve long-term planning, predictive modeling (habitat and forest conditions), sustainable forest resource management, and technical writing. Prior to joining F4, he worked for one of the largest forest products companies in the world (13 years) where he supported sustainable forestry initiatives regarding biodiversity, wildlife, and water resources. He has also worked for multiple ecological/ environmental consulting firms and a public water utility (13 years). He is a Certified Forester (Society of American Foresters) and a Courtesy Assistant Professor at the University of Florida.



Marshall joined F4 in January 2021. He holds a Bachelor of Science in Forest Resource Management, a Master of Forest Resources and Conservation and is currently pursuing his PhD. Marshall is focused on forest inventory project development, project scoping, forest operations management, GIS mapping, and database management. Prior to joining F4, he acquired several years of experience in the forest products industry (timber procurement and analytics). Marshall also worked for two of the largest private landowners in Florida and spent three years managing a large eucalyptus plantation in Florida. He is also a Florida Certified Prescribed Burn Manager.


Brett joined F4 in July 2024. He holds an Associate of Arts in Economics and a Bachelor of Science in Forest Resources and Conservation. Brett oversees field projects, including prescribed burning, herbicide treatments, other silvicultural practices, and GIS/GPS applications. Prior to joining F4, he served overseas in the United States Marine Corps where he acquired significant experience and skills operating and maintaining heavy equipment.     


Mark founded F4 (formerly LandMark Systems) in 1998. He holds a Bachelor of Science in Forest Management and a Master’s in Business Administration. Mark provides overall organizational leadership, leads business development and technological advancements, develops technical reports, and presents technical information at meetings and conferences. He also serves on several professional boards and engages with other professional organizations that support forestry. Prior to forming F4, Mark worked for the Florida Forest Service (10 years) in various positions. He is a full member of the Association of Consulting Foresters and is a member of the Florida Forestry Hall of Fame.



Brian joined F4 in June 2008. He holds a Bachelor of Science in Environmental Resource Management/Forest Science. Brian is actively involved in managing forest inventories, database management, growth and yield modeling, harvest scheduling, software design and planning, field data collection projects using mobile/desktop/web platforms, and GIS/GPS technologies that directly support natural resource management. He also oversees and manages the work of software developers and day-to-day operations regarding the development and maintenance of the company’s SilvAssist Suite of programs. Prior to joining F4, Brian acquired 11 years of experience in private forestland management (forestry consultant, procurement forester, and silviculturist).



Bijay joined F4 in April 2016. He holds a Bachelor of Science in Biology, a Master of Science in Biology/Ecology, and a Master of Science and a Doctor of Philosophy in Forest Resources and Conservation. Bijay prepares forest inventory deliverables, supports forest inventory processes and data QA/QC, analyzes/interprets/manages forest inventory data, prepares reports, manages projects, supports GIS applications and forest inventory planning and deployment, and conducts forest growth and yield modeling. Prior to joining F4, he acquired experience (12 years) working for a leading tree improvement company and supported forestry and wildlife management research projects at universities. Bijay is a volunteer reviewer of manuscripts submitted to multiple scientific journals.



Jeff joined F4 in October 2018. He holds a Bachelor of Science in Forest Management and a Master of Science in Forest Hydrology. Jeff supports the development of field projects regarding watershed and hydrologic management. Prior to joining F4 (over 35 years), he worked for the forest products industry (procurement forester) and the Florida Forest Service (FFS) serving in various capacities and degrees of responsibility (Forest Hydrologist and Assistant Director) across 35 State Forests. At FFS, he was instrumental and directly involved in conducting statewide best management practice (BMP) compliance and effectiveness monitoring and led the revision of Florida’s Silviculture BMP Manual. He also coordinated and published the Florida Forestry Wildlife Best Management Practices for State Imperiled Species Manual (first of its kind in the southeast). He is a member of the Florida Forestry Hall of Fame.

Marshall H



Rockwood, D.L., Tamang, B., and M.F. Ellis. 2023. Field Drying for Enhancing Biomass Quality of Eucalyptus Logs and Trees in Florida, USA. Forests 14(5), Article 899,


Tamang, B., Hedman, C., Haines, F., Stone, D., and M. Andreu. 2023. Upland forest community composition and structure by ecoregion in 73 Florida state parks – Insights for ongoing management. Forest Ecology and Management, 545, Article 121237,


Kim, K., Voothuluru, P., Hamilton, C., McCord, J., Tamang, B., Cunningham, M., Eberhardt, T.L., Rials, T., and N. Labbé. 2021. Tradeoffs between yield, disease incidence and conversion efficiency for selection of hybrid poplar genotypes as bioenergy feedstocks. Biomass and Bioenergy 154, Article 106259,



Vowell, Jeffery L., and R. Lima.  2017.  Results of Florida's 2017 Silviculture BMP Survey. Florida Forest Service, Tallahassee, FL.


Goncalves, B., Till, D., Fasina, O., Tamang, B., and T. Gallagher. 2015. Influence of bark on the physical and thermal decomposition properties of short-rotation Eucalyptus. BioEnergy Research 8: 1414-1423.


Castro, E., Nieves, I.U., Mullinnix, M.T., Sagues, W.J., Hoffman, R.W., Fernandez-Sandoval, M.T., Tian, Z., Rockwood, D.L., Tamang, B., and L.O. Ingram. 2014. Optimization of dilute-phosphoric-acid steam pretreatment of Eucalyptus benthamii for biofuel production. Applied Energy 125: 76-83.


Cunningham, M.W., and B. Tamang. 2014. Eucalyptus. In: Karlen, D.L. (ed.). Cellulosic Energy Cropping Systems. John Wiley & Sons, Ltd., pages 149-159.


Florida Forest Service Forestry Wildlife Best Management Practices for State Imperiled Species.  2014.  J. Vowell served on the Technical Advisory Committee. Florida Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services, Tallahassee, Florida.  28 pages.


Rockwood, D.L., Tamang, B., Kirst, M., and J.Y. Zhu. 2012. Field performance and bioenergy characteristics of four commercial Eucalyptus grandis cultivars in Florida. In: Butnor, John R., ed. 2012. Proceedings of the 16th biennial southern silvicultural research conference. e-Gen. Tech. Rep. SRS-156. Asheville, NC: U.S. Department of Agriculture Forest Service, Southern Research Station. 267-268. - See more at:


Tamang, B., Andreu, M.G., Staudhammer, C.L., Rockwood, D.L., and S. Jose. 2012. Equations for estimating aboveground biomass of cadaghi (Corymbia torelliana) trees in farm windbreaks. Agroforestry Systems 86: 255-266.


Wigley, T.B., Hedman, C.W., Loehle, C., Register, M., Poirier, J., and P. Durfield.  2012.  Density of gopher tortoise burrows on commercial forestland in Alabama and Mississippi. Southern Journal of Applied Forestry 36(1): 38-43.


Tamang, B., Andreu, M.G., Staudhammer, C.L., Rockwod, D.L., and S. Jose. 2011. Towards an empirical relationship between root length density and root number in windbreak-grown cadaghi (Corymbia torelliana) trees. Plant Root 5: 40-45.


Ice, G.G., Schilling, E., and J. Vowell, 2010. Trends for Forestry Best Management Practices Implementation, Soil and Hydrology, Journal of Forestry, September 2010.


Rockwood, D.L., and B. Tamang. 2010. Description and performance of four Eucalyptus grandis cultivars released by IFAS/UF in 2009. Proceedings of the Florida State Horticultural Society 123:330-332.


Tamang, B., Andreu, M.G., and D.L. Rockwood. 2010. Microclimate patterns on the leeside of single-row tree windbreaks during different weather conditions in Florida farms: implications for improved crop production. Agroforestry Systems 79:111-122.



Andreu, M.G., Hedman, C.W, Friedman, M.H., and A.G. Andreu. 2009. Can managers bank on seed banks when restoring Pinus taeda L. plantations in Southwest Georgia? Restoration Ecology 17 (5): 586-596.


Andreu, M.G., Tamang, B., Rockwood, D.L., and M.H. Friedman. 2009. Potential woody species and species attributes for windbreaks in Florida. School of Forest Resources and Conservation (UF) Extension publication (FOR224),


Tamang, B., Andreu, M.G., Friedman, M.H., and D.L. Rockwood.  2009. Windbreak planting and designs for Florida agricultural fields. School of Forest Resources and Conservation (UF) Extension publication (FOR227),


Tamang, B., Andreu, M.G., Friedman, M.H., and D.L. Rockwood. 2009. Management of field windbreaks. School of Forest Resources and Conservation (UF) Extension publication (FOR288),


Andreu, M.G., Tamang, B., Friedman, M. H., and D. Rockwood. 2008. The benefits of windbreaks for Florida growers. School of Forest Resources and Conservation (UF) Extension publication (FOR192),


Florida Forest Service Silviculture Best Management Practices.  2008. J. Vowell served on the Technical Advisory Committee. Florida Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services, Tallahassee, Florida.  122 pages.


Mitchell, R., Walters, J., Hedman, C., and R. Johnson. 2008. Pine mortality at Fort Benning: a problem or an opportunity?  Forest Health Workshop, Atlanta, Georgia, June 5-6, 2007.  Forest Health White Paper, Ecological Society of America.


Tamang, B., and N. Baral. 2008. Livestock depredation by large cats in Bardia National Park, Nepal: implications for improving park-people relations. The International Journal of Biodiversity Science and Management 4:44-53.


Tamang, B., Rockwood, D.L., Langholtz, M., Maehr, E., Becker, B., and S. Segrest.  2008. Fast-growing trees for Cogongrass (Imperata cylindrica) suppression and enhanced colonization of understory plant species on a phosphate-mine clay settling area. Ecological Engineering 32:329-336.


Basnet, Y.R., Tamang, B., and B. Gautam. 2006. Bird diversity and habitat status at Rajarani community forest, Bhogteny, Morang, Nepal. Danphe (1/2):4-7.


Baral, N., Gautam, R., and B. Tamang. 2005. Population status and breeding ecology of White-rumped Vulture (Gyps bengalensis) in Rampur Valley, Nepal. Forktail 21:87-91.


Basnet, Y. R., Tamang, B., and G. Benu. 2005. Bird diversity and their habitat status at Raja Rani Community Forest, Bhogteny, Morang, Nepal. Oriental Bird Club, UK. 29 pages.


Hartley, M., Sullivan, K., and M. Burger. 2005. Wildlife and Forestry in New York Northern Hardwoods - A Guide for Forest Owners and Managers. Technical Review Committee: Whaley, R. (chair), Beyea, J., Burger, M., Gibbs, J., Hartley, M., Hedman, C., Leopold, D., Nyland, R., Porter, W., Post, T., Rosenberg, K., and P. Smallidge.  Audubon New York, 200 Trilium Lane, Albany, NY, 41 pages.


Zobrist, K.W., Hinckley, T.M., Andreu, M.G., Gehringer, K.R., Hedman, C.W., and Lippke, B.R. 2005. Templates for Forest Sustainability on Intensively Managed Private Forests - Final Report. National Commission on Science for Sustainable Forestry (NCSSF), Research Project C.1, Rural Technology Initiative (RTI) Working Paper 5. RTI, College of Forest Resources, University of Washington, Seattle, WA. 107 pages.


Zobrist, K.W., Hinckley, T.M., Andreu, M.G., Gehringer, K.R., Hedman, C.W., and Lippke, B.R. 2005.  Management templates for increased biodiversity and economics in intensively managed loblolly pine plantations. Final Technical Report D to the National Commission on Science for Sustainable Forestry (NCSSF). Rural Technology Initiative, College of Forest Resources, University of Washington, Seattle, WA. 27 pages


Zobrist, K.W., Hinckley, T.M., Andreu, M.G., Gehringer, K.R., Hedman, C.W., and B.R. Lippke. 2005.  Developing management templates for increased biodiversity and economic viability and intensively managed forests. Proceedings Society of American Foresters Annual Convention, Fort Worth, Texas.


Vowell, Jeffery L., and R.B. Frydenborg. 2004. A biological assessment of best management practice effectiveness during intensive silviculture and forest chemical application.  Water, Air, and Soil Pollution: Focus 4: 297-307.


Baral, N., Timilsina, N., and B. Tamang. 2003. Status of Bengal Florican (Houbaropsis bengalensis) in Nepal. Forktail 19:51-56.


Gautam, R., Tamang, B., and N. Baral. 2003. Ecological studies on White-rumped Vulture (Gyps bengalensis) in Rampur Valley, Palpa, Nepal. Oriental Bird Club, UK. 29 pages.


Hedman, C.W., Poirier, J.R., Durfield, P.E., and M.A. Register. 2003. International Paper’s habitat conservation plan for the red-cockaded woodpecker: implementation and early success. Pages 355-360, In: Costa, R. and S.J. Daniels (eds.). Red-cockaded woodpecker: road to recovery. Hancock House Publishers LTD, Blain, Washington, 744 pages.

Poirier, J.R., M.A. Register, and C.W. Hedman.  2003.  Southern flying squirrel use of artificial red-cockaded woodpecker cavities at International Paper’s Southlands Forest: the past, present, and future. Pages 480-484, In: Costa, R. Costa, R. and S.J. Daniels (eds.). Red-cockaded woodpecker: road to recovery. Hancock House Publishers LTD, Blain, Washington, 744 pages.


Tamang, B. 2003. Conservation awareness program for school and college students living around Royal Suklaphanta Wildlife Reserve, Nepal. Oriental Bird Club, UK. 29 pages.


Timilsina, N., Tamang, B., and N. Baral. 2003. Status and conservation of Gangetic dolphin (Platanista gangetica) in the Karnali River, Nepal. Tiger Paper 30(1):8-10.


Baral, N., Tamang, B., and N. Timilsina. 2002. Status of Bengal Florican (Houbaropsis bengalensis) in Royal Bardia National Park, Nepal. Journal of Bombay Natural History Society 99:413-417.


Baral, N., Timilsina, N., and B. Tamang. 2002. Conservationists peep into floricans. Danphe 11(1):18-19.


Van Lear, D.H., Vandermast, D.B., Rivers, C.T., Baker, T.T., Hedman, C.W., Clinton, B.D., and Waldrop, T.A.  2002.  American chestnut, rhododendron, and the future of Appalachian cove forests. Gen. Tech. Rep. SRS-48. Asheville, NC: USDA, Forest Service, Southern Research Station, Pages 214-220.


Baral, N., Timilsina, N., and B. Tamang. 2001. Bengal Florican (Houbaropsis bengalensis) in Royal Suklaphanta Wildlife Reserve, Nepal. Oriental Bird Club Bulletin 34:30-33.


McGuire, J.P., Mitchell, R.J., Moser, E.B., Pecot, S.D., Gjerstad, D.H., and C.W. Hedman.  2001. Gaps in a gappy forest: plant resources, longleaf pine regeneration, and understory response to tree removal in longleaf pine savannas.  Canadian Journal of Forest Research Vol 31 (5): 765-778.


Tamang, B., Baral, N., and N. Timilsina. 2001. Population status and distribution of Bengal Florican (Houbaropsis bengalensis) in Chitwan National Park, Nepal. Oriental Bird Club, UK. 20 pages.


Vowell, Jeffery L., 2001. Using stream bioassessment to monitor best management practice effectiveness.  Forest Ecology and Management, 143, 237.


Baral, N., Tamang, B., and N. Timilsina. 2000. The floricans in Royal Bardia National Park. Danphe 9(3):4.


Hedman, C.W., Grace, S.L., and S.E. King. 2000. Vegetation composition and structure of southern coastal plain pine forests: an ecological comparison.  Forest Ecology & Management 134: 233-247.


Palik, B.J., Zasada, J.C., and C.W. Hedman. 2000.  Ecological principles for riparian silviculture. Pages 233-254, In: Verry, E.S., Hornbeck, J.W., and Dolloff, C.A. (eds.). Riparian Management in Forests of the Continental Eastern United States, Lewis Publishers, Boca Raton, FL, 402 pages.


Tamang, B., and N. Baral. 2000. Population status and distribution of Bengal Florican (Houbaropsis bengalensis) in Suklaphanta Wildlife Reserve, Nepal. Oriental Bird Club, UK. 18 pages.


Timilsina, N., Tamang, B., and N. Baral. 2000. Status and distribution of Lesser Florican (Sypheotides indica) in Bardia National Park, Nepal / with report on Bengal florican (Houbaropsis bengalensis). WWF Nepal Program. 29 pages.


Turton, Donald J., and J. L. Vowell. 2000.  Erosion from an industrial forest road in the Ouachita Mountains of Southeastern Oklahoma.  In the ASCE Watershed Management 2000 Conference Proceedings, Fort Collins, CO, June 20-24.



Entrekin, S., Golladay, S., Ruhlman, M., and C. Hedman. 1999. Unique steephead stream segments in Southwest Georgia: invertebrate diversity and monitoring.  Proceedings of the 1999 Georgia Water Resources Conference. March 30-31, 1999, Athens, GA. 


Helton, C., Kirkman, L.K., Mitchell, R., and C. Hedman. 1999. Understory vegetation recovery following silvicultural harvest in longleaf pine/wiregrass stands. Proceedings, Second Biennial Longleaf Alliance Conference. November 17‑19, 1998, Charleston SC. Longleaf Alliance Report No. 4, 168 pages.


McGuire, J.P., Mitchell, R.J., Pecot, S.D., Hedman, C.W., and D.H. Gjerstad. 1999. Overstory disturbances by harvesting in longleaf pine/wiregrass savannas. Proceedings, Second Biennial Longleaf Alliance Conference. November 17‑19, 1998, Charleston, SC. Longleaf Alliance Report No. 4, 168 pages.


McGuire, J.P., Mitchell, R.J., Gjerstad, D.H., Hedman, C.W., and S.D. Pecot. 1999.  Resource effects on seedling and vegetation responses within experimental gaps of an open‑canopy savanna forest. Proceedings, Second Biennial North American Forest Ecology Workshop. June 24‑26, 1999. The University of Maine, Orono, ME.


McGuire, J.P., Mitchell, R.J., Pecot, S.D., and C.W. Hedman. 1998. Above and below‑ground responses to overstory disturbances in a longleaf pine ecosystem. Proceedings North American Forest Biology Workshop. June 21 ‑ 26, 1998, Victoria British Columbia, Canada.


Hedman, C.W.  1997.  An industrial perspective of longleaf pine restoration.  In: Society for Ecological Restoration, 9th Annual Conference: Ecological Restoration and Regional Conservation Strategies, Ft. Lauderdale, FL, November 12-15, 1997.


Hedman, C.W., Grace, S.L., and S.E. King.  1996. Vegetation composition and structure of southern pine forests: an ecological comparison.  In: Supplement to Bulletin of the Ecological Society of America, 1996 Annual Combined Meeting: Ecologists, Biologists, as Problem Solvers, Providence, RI, August 10-14, 1996. 


Hedman, C.W., Van Lear, D.H., and W.T. Swank.  1996.  In-stream large woody debris loading and riparian forest seral stage associations in the southern Appalachian Mountains.  1996.  Canadian Journal of Forest Research, Vol. 26 (7): 1218-1227. 


Vowell, Jeffery L., 1996.  Revising Florida’s Best Management Practices Manual - A Partnership Process.  In the TAPPI International Environmental Conference proceedings, Orlando FL, May 5-8.


Hedman, C.W., and D.H. Van Lear. 1995. Vegetative structure and composition of southern Appalachian riparian forests.  Bulletin of the Torrey Botanical Club 122 (2): 134-144.

Hedman, C.W., and D.H. Van Lear. 1993. Large woody debris patterns in Southern Appalachian streams.  In: Proceedings of Riparian Ecosystems in the humid United States: Functions, Values, and Management, Atlanta, GA, March 15-18, 1993.


Hedman, C.W., and D.H. Van Lear. 1991. Riparian zone vegetation and large woody debris dynamics: preliminary findings for the Southern Appalachians.  Pacific Rim Forestry-Bridging the World. Proceedings of the Society of American Foresters National Convention, San Francisco, CA, August 4-7, 1991.


Hedman, C.W., and D.H. Van Lear. 1990.  Large woody debris contributions from riparian zones: current knowledge and study description. Proceedings of the Sixth Biennial Southern Silvicultural Research Conference, Memphis, TN, October 30 to November 1, 1990.



Hedman, C. W., and D. Binkley. 1988. Canopy profiles of some Piedmont hardwood forests.  Canadian Journal of Forest Research, Vol. 18 (8): 1090-1093.


Vowell, Jeffery L., and C. G. Hutchens.  1987.  A digital controller for stage proportional activation of automatic pumping samplers. Water Resources Bulletin, Vol. 23, No. 2, April 1987.


Vowell, Jeffery L., 1985.  Erosion rates and water quality impacts from a recently established forest road in Oklahoma’s Ouachita Mountains. Proceedings, Forestry and Water Quality: a Mid-South Symposium, Little Rock, AR May 8-9.

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